
Preparing aspiring clinical psychologists

for clinical psychology doctorate training.

Welcome to Aspiring Clinical Psych

Aspiring Clinical Psych is a pioneering organisation specialising in supporting, educating and developing psychology graduates pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology. Our aim is to empower aspiring clinical psychologists to feel confident, well-prepared and able maximise their potential during the clinical psychology doctorate selection process.
Our portfolio of programmes and services include, self-directed online courses, live events such as Reflective Workshops, Journal Club and Masterclasses, a constantly developing Resource Library, one-to-one career coaching, personal statement reviews, interview coaching and more! We’re delighted to offer our comprehensive year-long programme of support and services via the DClinPsy Prep Pathway.
Whether you are just about to graduate or have applied for the DClinPsy multiple times, Aspiring Clinical Psych has products and services ready to help you.

From Psychology Grad to DClinPsy: Aspiring Clinical Psych Supports Your Journey

Progressing from psychology graduate to DClinPsy can leave many aspiring clinical psychologists feeling burnt out, invalidated and unsupported. Aspiring Clinical Psych is here to help you.

How can Aspiring Clinical Psych help you?

You finished school, got the grades you needed to study psychology at university, graduated from your psychology degree and then…


Aspiring Clinical Psych supports you through several obstacles on the journey to the DClinPsy including:

Obstacle 1: Competition

One of the biggest obstacles! With many excellent candidates vying for a limited number of relevant experience roles or places on the doctorate, it can be difficult for those with less experience to get in on the action.

However, we have a wide range of resources specifically designed to help you reflect on your experience and maximise your potential during the selection process.

Obstacle 2: Language barrier

With so many concepts to learn, speaking “psychology” can be so… complicated! Figuring out what they all mean and how they’ll all be applied to practice can be challenging. Our programmes and services are engaging and detailed to support your learning and memory retention.

Obstacle 3: Loneliness

Opportunities to discuss concepts, or, how it feels to pursue a career in clinical psychology are… few. Our group-based events, moderated community forums and one-to-one sessions with experienced psychologists will leave you feeling held and understood.

Obstacle 4: Emotional overwhelm

Working with individuals who are struggling with their mental health can be very demanding. Often, it feels like there aren’t enough safe spaces to reflect. We promote reflection through several channels such as reflective worksheets, monthly group Reflective Workshops and one-to-one sessions.

Obstacle 5: Time

Advancing your career as an aspiring clinical psychologist can take years of dedication. For some, staying on track to becoming a clinical psychologist can feel like putting your life on hold.

However, through our programs and sevices, you can feel confident you are on the fastest, most direct track towards the clinical psychology doctorate.

How Aspiring Clinical Psych can help you.

Who We Are

Aspiring clinical psychologists choose us to support them every year because we are:
A clinical-psychologist led organisation meaning we understand what aspiring clinical psychologists experience on the journey to becoming a clinical psychologist. Our programmes and services are of a high quality and are delivered by qualified, experienced professionals.
Constantly developing- We offer a wide choice of programmes and services and continue to develop our portfolio. We offer learning materials covering a vast array of topics. We offer the largest range of readily available programmes and services specifically aimed at preparing aspiring clinical psychologists for the clinical psychology doctorate, in the UK.
We are professional and well-organised in our delivery and represent excellent value for money. We ensure there is a low student to facilitator ratio across all of our services in order to facilitate peer support and the opportunity for individualised feedback. In 2022, 98% of aspiring clinical psych members were “completely satisfied” with Aspiring Clinical Psych support.
We are commited to providing stimulating, engaging and inclusive programmes and services. Our culture is to celebrate difference and authenticity. As such, we cultivate safe, respectful, brave spaces, encouraging you to show all-the-way-up and challenge yourself.

Why Work With Us


Run by a team of qualified and trainee clinical psychologists, our team members have not only navigated the clinical psychology doctorate process themselves, but have also honed skills in the field. Our diverse experiences and expertise make us well-equipped to guide you.


Our resources have been developed collaboratively with aspiring clinical psychologists. As such, our resources are clear, effective, informative and engaging and are perfectly pitched for the developing aspiring clinical psychologist.


We are dedicated to finding new and creative ways to make a career in clinical psychology accessible. We use cutting edge systems and technology to deliver Aspiring Clinical Psych products and services widely.


Our ever-developing list of programmes, mini-courses, webinars, downloadables and services provide aspiring clinical psychologists with a breadth of knowledge and exercises. Whether you have just completed your undergrad, or have applied for the doctorate more than once, we have something for you.

DClinPsy Prep Pathway

Our most comprehensive programme, Spanning a 12-month timeframe you will receive:
  • 1:1 Career Coaching
  • 1:1 Interview Coaching
  • Personal Statement Reviews
  • 12 Months Aspiring Clinical Psych Resource Library access
  • 12 Months Aspiring Clinical Psych online course access
  • Monthly Journal Club
  • Monthly Reflective Workshop
  • 1:1 Office Hours sessions
  • Unconscious Bias Masterclass
  • Access to recordings of past events
  • Inclusive Leadership Training
  • 2-day online writing retreat
  • Pay it Forward Scheme contribution
  • And more...
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Total : £

What's included

Let us support you over a 12-month timeframe with our Complete Clinical Psychology Doctoral Prep Package. It includes:

And so much more!

DClinPsy Prep Pathway Promise

We are so confident in our programmes and services that if you are not completely satisfied with the DClinPsy Prep Pathway within the first 30 days, you will be eligible for a full refund*.

Success Testimonials

Juliet Hammond
Juliet Hammond
"The structure! The information (definition, ladder of participation, interactive participation, reflection) helped to check understanding in a way that consolidated learning and helped grow my understanding without feeling like I would need to return multiple times to the recording. The session alone was helpful in my learning; I gained insights about past work and ideas of how to move my use of coproduction forward. Though, I likely will return to the recording because it was brilliant!"
Pooja Patel
Pooja Patel
"I love that you are starting to add information about therapies. It’s aligning perfectly with the work I am doing right now."
Camilla Taylor
Camilla Taylor
‍ "I have no idea if I now have a ‘better’ application but I certainly have an application that communicates who I am and reflects my values, reflections and learning points."
Kirsty Cheung
Kirsty Cheung
"This is helping me immensely and I have lots of work to do before refining and submitting. I also found the report very helpful as it gave me an overview of how I might be coming across and the importance of building a narrative."
Sebastian Price
Sebastian Price
"Thank you for providing such detailed feedback. It is really helpful especially as someone who is applying for the first time."

Aspiring Clinical Psych Blog

We specialise in supporting, educating and developing psychology graduates pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology.

Contact us now